Hi, I’m Bethany

Registered Nurse & Founder of Starlight Secrets Sleep Consultancy

Hi, I’m Bethany

I’m so happy you are here!

I’m Bethany a Registered Nurse & Baby and Child Sleep Consultant at Starlight Secrets Sleep Consultancy. I am a mummy to my little boy who is 1 years old.

After a very bumpy challenging first year with my little boy, tongue tie battles, various feeding problems, severe reflux and multiple health problems for him at such a young age, this has driven me to extend my knowledge and help other families like myself and my partner who back then felt helpless, frustrated, sleep deprived and everything felt impossible. We would spend endless hours scrolling on the internet and googling for help with his health and sleep problems and then suddenly one day I found the world of sleep consulting which has not only changed my life personally but on a professional level as well. Being in the midst of sleep deprivation is HARD on so many levels and impacts you hugely as a person and a couple so my goal is to continue to empower parents to have the confidence and the knowledge to transform your little one’s sleep and as a result TRANSFORM your own health and wellbeing too.

We all know how important it is not just for your little one to sleep but the whole family too, I will provide a listening ear, non-judgemental support and I will provide you with a bespoke fully personalised programme and guidance to help you claim back control of your life and your wellbeing and get back the rest and time you deserve all in a non-judgemental holistic environment. As a registered nurse I’ve seen firsthand the major impact lack of sleep has on individuals, and now as a parent myself I understand the agony and frustration first hand, and my own journey has taught me that it’s OK TO NOT BE OK and seek help and support where needed and there is always a listening ear out there willing to listen and who will help you. I’ve seen first hand how sleep deprivation has a huge impact on both parenrs mental health which can result in depression, anxiety, stress, concentration problems or in some parents even contributing to post-partum depression.

Mental health is a huge passion of mine and one in which I have worked really hard on over the past 9 years as a Registered Nurse and have vast experience in this area, as well as the past 12 years working in healthcare overall, so I fully understand and appreciate first hand the impact mental health has on individuals especially as parents. Making sleep a priority is a key part in your mental wellbeing and this is why I am now so passionate about infant sleep and determined to continue to help parents in my programmes I offer.

How I Can Help

I am fortunate to now say that we have made it out the dark trenches of sleep deprivation, poor naps, multiple night wakings, early wakings, feeding problems, health battles and severe reflux, but now I want to continue to use my knowledge and passion to help families like YOU!

I am based in Skipton, North Yorkshire.

If this sounds anything like your family, then your in the right place and help is waiting for you. Please see my information regarding my personalised programme.






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