Our Services

Starlight Deluxe Sleep Plan - £299

My Complete deluxe support package. I will work with you every step of the way and I will support you through every step of the journey to help you achieve your personal goals. We will discuss your sleep goals and current challenges as a family, and then we will talk through the staged methods in which you will be using to help achieve these goals, and this will all be personalised to you as a family based on what your specific family goals are. This could be anything from early wakings, split nights, nap battles, rocking or feeding to sleep, frequent night wakings or co-sleeping challenges.

    • List all the elements included in this package.

    • Make sure you make it really clear to distinguish between each package.

Full SLEEP ANALYSIS of your little one’s full day and night regime over a 3 day period

60 minute video consultation to get to know you as a family and establish your goals

A bespoke personalised plan which is tailored to you as parents and your own lifestyle - The plan is all about YOU

THREE weeks UNLIMITED WhatsApp/Phone/Email support (During wake hours Monday - Sunday)

This plan will ensure you feel supported and empowered as parents to claim back control of your life not just for your little one but as a whole family. Sleep deprivation is so underestimated, and trying to parent whilst sleep deprived can feel IMPOSSIBLE. If this is YOU then I can guide and support you on your journey to RESTORATIVE good sleep for the whole family.

This package is perfect for parents who need that reassurance and comfort every step of the way, and can receive continuous guidance throughout the programme and therefore together we will improve the sleep quality of the whole family! Are you ready?

Book a free 15 minute discovery call for us to chat and begin your journey working with me.

Newborn Starlight Package: £45

My complete newborn sleep support package to help you through the early days/months of your little one’s sleep. This package is designed for families with little ones aged 0 - 12 weeks old.

  • Description text goes here

1 hour video call to discuss all about newborn sleep, implementing a good bedtime regime, safe sleep discussion, ensuring the optimal sleep environment and how to help your little one set their body clock.

This package is everything and more what I wish myself and my partner had of recieved when we had our son. We attended a lot of groups both at our local hospital and NCT wise which were helpful in some ways but not in others as they never discussed the realities of newborn sleep or offered any practical hands on advice to know how to manage those first few precious months. This package will help prepare and guide you through this time and offer the no-nonsense approach when you really need it most.

This package is appropriate either in the late stages of pregnancy when you’re eagerly awaiting your little one’s arrival or if they have already arrived and you’re in those early days and weeks and you need that clear voice and support to navigate this very precious time.

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